Resources & Programs
Burnaby Neighbourhood House
Community services for all ages
South Burnaby: 604 431 0400
North Burnaby: 604 294 5444
Citizens Support Services
Various senior services available
604 294 7980
Better Meals
Meal delivery services
604 299 1877
Heart To Home Meals
Meal delivery services
778 308 4351
Burnaby Community Services
Community services for all ages
604 299 5778
Programs for Seniors
Subsidized Prepared Meals
778 288 3747
Grocery Shopping Assistance
778 288 3747
Not located in Burnaby? Please contact the Meals on Wheels of the city you reside.
Tri Cities
604 942 7506
North Shore
604 922 3414
Langley Meals on Wheels
604 533 1679
Vancouver & Richmond
604 732 7638 (Western Meals)
604 733 6615 (Chinese Meals)
New Westminster
604 520 6621
Surrey North Delta
778 590 1433