Menu and Meals

Burnaby Meals on Wheels is a not-for-profit organization that services those who live in Burnaby who, for various reasons, may not be able to access warm meals at home.

If you are unable to prepare an adequate meal for yourself, we can deliver ready to eat, nutritious warm meals to your home to help continue living independently.

Meal Delivery
Meals are delivered on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays and will arrive between 10:30am – 1pm.

We ask participants to leave a bag or cooler outside their door for volunteer to place your meals in and be home during time of delivery.

Volunteers will call your buzzer, knock and/or ring your doorbell to ensure you are home and to let you know that your meal has arrived.

If a volunteer is unable to reach you, they may return your meal back to the office.

Meals are offered on a 4 week rotation and there is a minimum order of 2 meal per delivery. You can decide on any combination of meals and days but will need to be the same every week. For example, you may choose a Western Hot meal and Western Frozen meal to be delivered every Monday, and 2 Chinese Hot meal every Wednesday.

We are closed on statutory holidays and the week of and between December 25th and January 1st and no meals will be delivered those days.

Burnaby Meals on Wheels is a volunteer driven service and we could not run this program without them. Due to limited volunteer capacity, there is currently a 1-2 month waitlist for service. Please call or email us with your name, address, and contact information to be placed on the waitlist. We will reach out to you when there is space available and will ask for an updated registration form at that time.

Changes and Cancellations
If you’d like to make any changes or cancellations, let us know at least 2 business days in advance. Any changes made after that will be charged – we will freeze and deliver these meals upon your next delivery.

We can place your meals on a one-day hold, or date range hold. Any holds longer than 3 months will be considered a cancellation of service and may be subject to waitlist if you choose to resume service.

After every month of service, we will mail or email your invoice to you for payment.

Payments options include:

Mailing or dropping off cash or cheque to our office

E-transfer – please email or call us for e-transfer information

Credit Card – please fill out a credit card authorization form and we will charge your card automatically after invoice are sent.

Start Your Meal Service

To start your meal service simply print and complete the Information/Registration form (PDF) and mail to us with a two week initial advance payment based on the meals you are ordering. Read and retain the Information pages for your reference. For more information about our Home Delivery Meal Program please contact us.

View Registration Form